Serving Communities in South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas
Community Resources Connection (CRC), Inc. Cultivating the Community
Garden Award Application Guidance Document
Application Period – October 1 – December 31, 2024
Award Notifications will be posted on the CRC website by March 3, 2025
Program Goals:
Community Resources Connection, Inc. has collaborated with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to increase availability of fresh produce within underserved communities. This collaboration supports the Department of Agriculture’s goal to feed all Americans. The award is only for the state of Mississippi applicants.
Community garden awards will be up to $10,000.00 for the purchase of only garden materials and supplies to establish a community garden or expand an existing garden. Eligible community groups and organizations that have mutual interest and goals to increase access to local fresh healthy foods and food choices are invited to apply for funding.
Applicant Eligibility:
- Non-Profit with or without IRS 501 c3 status
- Independent School Districts (Including home school groups)
- Native American Tribal governments and groups
- Native American groups
- Faith-based organizations
- City and townships
- County governments
- Other community groups and organizations
Program Requirements:
- Submit Progress reports and success stories to CRC by the designated deadline dates.
- If your organization does not own the land in which the community garden will be located, you will need to submit a written statement from the landowner giving your organization permission to utilize the property for the duration of the agreement with CRC. The permission statement should include the address where the community garden will be located and the period in which your organization will have access to the garden location.
- Acquire a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). If you don’t already have an UEI, you will need to apply for one at All sub award recipients are required to have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). If your organization has received a government grant in the past, they will already have one. If not, please go to to apply for a UEI.
- Acquire a commitment from a local University Extension Service, Master gardeners’ or equivalent educator to teach participants how to incorporate effective gardening techniques and to encourage gardening practices that protect natural resources, such as water quantity and quality, soil quality and pest management.
- Conduct initial public meeting to invite local stakeholders to discuss plans to establish a community garden. Local stakeholders can include, but not limited to local citizens, local government officials, special interest groups, faith-based organizations, Scout Leaders, local school representatives, etc.
- Form a garden team to include members of awarded organization, members of the community, Extension Service educators, master gardeners, local youth groups and any individuals interested in gardening and would like to assist with planning, laying out and establishing the community garden. (This action can be combined with the bullet above.)
- Conduct community workdays and plan at least one of those days as a media day to invite local media, schools, community leaders, local businesses, etc. to participate.
- Purchase all materials and supplies needed to establish and manage the garden and garden activities.
- Install USDA Project signage to include garden name and other local partners who will be contributing to the success of the gardening Project.
- Plant garden in calendar year of 2025.
- Explain how you propose to sustain the garden for future years.
Application packets are to be Fully completed and submitted by
December 31, 2024 by 11:59 pm
Application packet is to include:
- Completed and signed USDA Grant Application Form
- Specific garden supply budget to identify how the funds will be used totaling the award amount.
- 2 letters of support from community leaders and or organizations
- Copy of lease or written statement from the owner(s) giving your organization permission to use the land where the community garden will be located. (not applicable if the applicant owns the land where the garden will be located)
- Letter from the University Extension Agent or other equivalent qualifying garden educator who has agreed to assist your organization with its garden project.
Completed application packages are to be submitted by designated deadline to be considered
Grant Proposals must be complete and submitted by the deadline date to be considered.
Application packets can be submitted by mail to:
Application packets can be submitted by mail to:
Community Resources Connection (CRC), Inc.
USDA Community Garden Award
P.O. Box 2394
Lexington, SC 29071
Email completed application packet to: Sample file naming format. (PraiseBaptistChurch_2025) Organization name and current year.
For additional questions referencing the Cultivating the Community Garden application process, please contact us at: